Wellness Centers

Our LTUSD Wellness Centers are located at Bijou Community School, South Tahoe Middle School, and South Tahoe High SchoolThey serve as access points to a broad range of mental health and wellness services targeted to meet students’ specific needs. Students are able to connect to a hub of supportive wellness programming, including health education workshops, peer mentor programs, student empowerment groups, social emotional curriculum, school-based therapists, school-based mental health screenings, and linkages to critical community mental health resources. Students are encouraged to use the Wellness Center during break periods and with permission from a teacher, as a safe, calm space for emotional management.  Wellness Center Specialists are trained to refer students to a School Counselor or Licensed Mental Health Specialist on site to assess and support students who might need additional support, connecting students to community resources and continued care should that be necessary. 

The purpose of the Wellness Centers is for students to:

  • Check in with a caring adult to get support;
  • Reset and regulate so they can return to class ready to learn;
  • Develop skills for personal regulation, resiliciency, peer support, and leadership;
  • Ask questions relevant to physical, mental, social and emotional well-being;
  • Receive and utilize referrals to schools and community resources;
  • Learn how to effectively access services and support for themselves and others; and
  • Have a voice in determining what Wellness Supports are needed at their school.

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